Perbaikan Penerangan Jalan Umum masih di Nagari Sariak Laweh

Rabu, 16 Februari 2022
980 Dibaca

                    Sariak laweh – DISHUB, Selasa, 2 Juni 2020 Tim PJU Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota mendapatkan laporan langsung dari masyarakat mengenai permasalahan lampu penerangan jalan di salah satu daerah Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota , yaitu Nagari Sariak Laweh. Pagi itu Tim PJU yang berjumlah 5 orang langsung berangkat menuju lokasi pada  pukul 09.00 WIB untuk meninjau lokasi yang terdapat permasalahan mengenai lampu jalan tersebut.
           Sesampaianya dilokasi tim langsung melihat kerusakan yang terjadi dan langsung memperbaiki keadaan Lampu Penerangan Jalan yang mengalami kerusakan. Di titik lokasi pertama tim PJU menemukan Lampu Penerangan Jalan yang tidak menyala karena daya pada jaringan lama ternyata sudah tidak kuat lagi, akibatnya Lampu Penerangan Jalan tersebut harus dipindahkan ke titik baru dan ke tempat jaringan baru yang mampu menampung daya lampu tersebut.
                   Selanjutnya tim PJU menuju ke titik lokasi ke dua tempat dimana terdapat Lampu Penerangan Jalan yang mengalami kerusakan juga tapatnya di Jorong Baruah Andaleh Nagari Sariak Laweh. Di lokasi tersebut Lampu Penerangan Jalan mengalami masalah lepasnya penahan jaringan lampu. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan lampu tidak hidup . Setelah dilakukan perbaikan di kedua titik yang berada di Nagari Sariak Laweh Tim PJU berharap tidak terjadi lagi kerusakan Lampu Penerangan Jalan di Nagari tersebut karena hal tersebut sangat merugikan mengingat keadaan jalan di Nagari Sarik Laweh pada malam hari sangat gelap dan minim cahaya. Dikarenakan ada masalah teknis saat perjalanan dengan terpaksa Pada pukul 14.35 WIB tim PJU Dinas Perhubungan Lima Puluh Kota mengakhiri kegiatan pada hari tersebut. (RY)



Sariak laweh – Departement of Transportation, Tuesday, 2 June 2020 The Public Road Lighting Team of the Departement of Transportation Lima Puluh Kota received a direct report from the public regarding the problem of street lighting in one of the Lima Puluh Kota districts, namely Nagari Sariak Laweh. That morning the Public Road Lighting Team, which numbered 5 people, immediately went to the location at 09.00 a.m to review the location that had problems regarding the street lights.
Arriving at the location the team immediately saw the damage that occurred and immediately repaired the damaged street lighting. At the first location point the Public Street Lighting team found that the Street Lighting did not turn on because the power on the old network was no longer strong, as a result the Street Lighting had to be moved to a new point and to a new network that could accommodate the lamp's power.
Furthermore, the Public Street Lighting team headed to the location point to the two places where there were Street Lights that were damaged, also located at Jorong Baruah Andaleh Nagari Sariak Laweh. At that location, Street Lighting had problems with the removal of the lamp network. This resulted in the lamp does not live. After repairs were made at both points in Nagari Sariak Laweh, the Public Street Lighting Team hopes that there will be no more Street Lighting damage in that Nagari because it is very detrimental given the road conditions in Nagari Sarik Laweh at night are very dark and lacking light. Due to a technical problem during the trip by force At 02.35 p.m The Public Road Lighting Team of the Departement of Transportation Lima Puluh Kota ended the activity on that day. (Adm)

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