The Electrical Contractor's Box becomes Ants Nest

Rabu, 16 Februari 2022
947 Dibaca

 Bukit Sikumpa - Departement of Transportation, Wednesday, June 3rd 2020 beginning this June, the the street lighting team of the Transportation Department Lima Puluh Kota had received a direct report from the community about the condition of the Street Lighting in the two districts of Lima Puluh Kota. The region includes Nagari Padang Belimbing, Bukit Sikumpa and Purwajaya. At 08.00 a.m the street lighting team of the Transportation Department Lima Puluh Kota, totaling 6 people, went straight to the location where the Street Lighting was damaged. This is a form of readiness and responsiveness of the the street lighting team of the Transportation Department Lima Puluh Kota in providing excellent service and responsiveness to the needs of Street Lighting for the people of Lima Puluh Kota District.
The first point that was headed by the Public Street Lighting Team was the point that was in Padang Belimbing, Bukit Sikumpa. At this location the Public Street Lighting team found that the electrical contractor was damaged and the electrical contractor box was also used as a nest for black ants, which certainly damaged the street lighting network at that point. The Public Street Lighting Team took action to spray ant poison in electrical contractor box which is used as a nest for the black ants. Then the Public Road Monitoring Team replaced the damaged electrical contractor. Repair of street lighting at that point was accompanied directly by the Mayor of Padang Belimbing, Bukit Sikumpa itself.
Furthermore, towards the zuhur of the Public Road Lighting Team go straight to the second point where there are reports from the public, that is the point located in Purwajaya. At this point there is a problem of the Street Lights that are totally dead. To anticipate this the Public Street Lighting Team immediately took steps to replace the complete lights. This was done because the lights at that point had suffered severe damage. At 02.00 p.m the Public Street Lighting Team left the location and headed for the office. (Adm) 



Bukit Sikumpa - DISHUB, Rabu, 3 Juni 2020 awal bulan Juni ini Tim PJU Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota telah mendapatkan laporan langsung dari masyarakat mengenai kondisi Lampu Penerangan Jalan di dua wilayah Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota. wilayah tersebut meliputi Nagari Padang Belimbing, Bukit Sikumpa dan Purwajaya. Pada pukul 08.00 WIB tim PJU Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota yang berjumlah 6 orang langsung menuju titik lokasi yang terdapat kerusakan Lampu Penerangan Jalan tersebut. Hal ini merupakan bentuk kesiapan dan tanggap Tim PJU Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota dalam memberikan pelayanan prima dan tanggap terhadap kebutuhan Lampu Penerangan Jalan bagi masyarakat Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota.
               Titik pertama yang dituju oleh Tim PJU adalah titik yang berada di Padang Belimbing, Bukit Sikumpa. Di lokasi ini tim PJU menukan permasalahan kontraktor listrik mengalami kerusakan serta box kontraktor listrik tersebut juga dijadikan sarang bagi semut hitam, hal tersebut tentu membuat rusak jaringan Lampu Penerangan Jalan di titik tersebut.Tim PJU mengambil tindakan untuk melakukan penyemprotan racun semut di tempat box kontraktor listrik yang dijadikan sarang bagi semut hitam tersebut. Kemudian Tim PJU mengganti kontraktor listrik yang telah rusak tersebut. Perbaikan Lampu Penerangan Jalan di titik tersebut didampingi langsung oleh Walinagari Padang Belimbing, Bukit Sikumpa itu sendiri.
            Selanjutnya menjelang zuhur Tim PJU langsung menuju titik kedua yang terdapat laporan dari masyarakat, yaitu titik yang berada di Purwajaya. Pada titik ini terdapat permasalahan Lampu Penerangan Jalan yang mati total. Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut Tim PJU langsung mengambil langkah untuk pergantian Lampu lengkap. Hal tersebut dilakukan karena lampu yang berada di titik tersebut sudah mengalami kerusakan yang parah. Pada pukul 14.00 WIB Tim PJU meninggalkan lokasi dan menuju kantor. (RY)

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