The Public Street Lighting Team replaced the Photo Cell and Street Lighting at the Kuranji intersection

Rabu, 16 Februari 2022
742 Dibaca

Simpang Kuranji - DISHUB (31/08) Tim PJU Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota menindaklajuti laporan dari warga mengenai keberadaan lampu penerangan jalan yang berada di wilayah mereka. Sekitar pukul 09.00 Wib Tim PJU Dinas Perhubungan yang berjumlah 6 orang langsung berangkat ke titik lokasi pertama yang akan dilakukannya perbaikan PJU, yaitu di Jorong Padang Parik Panjang Kecamatan Taeh Baruah. Kemudian di titik lokasi kedua di Nagari Mungka dan Sungai Beringin. Ketiga tempat tersebut dilakukan perbaikan terhadap Lampu Penerangan Jalan yang mengalami kerusakan.
Selanjutnya siang harinya tim PJU Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota langsung menuju titik selanjutnya yang terdapat laporan dari warga mengenai kerusakan Lampu Penerangan Jalan, yaitu di wilayah simpang Kuranji. Di tempat tersebut Tim PJU melakukan penggantian Foto Cell dan Lampu Penerangan Jalan. Dengan dilakukannya perbaikan PJU ini diharapakan warga dapat memanfaatkan dengan baik Lampu Penerangan Jalan ini. (RY)


Monday, August 31th, 2020, the Public Street Lighting Team of the Transportation Departement follows up on reports from residents regarding the existence of street lighting in their area. At around 09.00 WIB, the Public Street Lighting Team of the Transportation departement, totaling 6 people, immediately departed for the first location point where public street lighting would be repaired, namely in Jorong Padang Parik Panjang, Taeh Baruah District. Then at the second location point in Nagari Mungka and the Beringin River. The three places were repaired to the damaged street lighting.
Furthermore, in the afternoon, the public street lighting team from the Department of Transportation went straight to the next point where there were reports from residents regarding the damage to the street lighting, namely in the Kuranji intersection area. In that place, the street lighting team replaced the Cell Photo and Street Lighting. With the improvement of public street lighting, it is hoped that the residents will be able to make good use of these Street Lighting Lights.

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